Rock Mechanics for the Next Generation

– Innovations, Sustainability, and Resilience–


Welcome Message

Welcome to ARMS14

On behalf of the organizers, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the 14th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS14), which will be held in November 2026. This conference is a valuable opportunity to share the latest research findings and echnological innovations in the field of rock mechanics in the Asian region, and to deepen exchanges among researchers and engineers. This is the third time Japan has hosted ARMS, following ARMS3 in Kyoto and ARMS8 in Sapporo. This time, ARMS14 has been selected as an official international symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering (ISRM).

The theme of the conference is "Rock Mechanics for the Next Generation ~ Innovations, Sustainability, and Resilience ~." This theme reflects our commitment to pursuing innovation, enhancing sustainability, and building resilience to address the next generation of challenges in rock engineering. This symposium will provide a platform to share the latest research findings and technologies, fostering new perspectives and collaborations. Additionally, we encourage the participation of young researchers through presentations and poster sessions, incorporating new viewpoints and ideas. We hope this will help the next generation of leaders grow and pave the way for the future of rock engineering.

Fukuoka, the host city, is known as an "international city" with strong ties to Asia, offering an attractive environment where history and modernity harmonize. During the symposium, in addition to academic discussions, you will have the opportunity to experience the nature and culture of Fukuoka, gaining further inspiration.

Finally, we hope that ARMS14 will be a significant opportunity to shape the future of the rock engineering field. We sincerely expect this international conference to be a starting point for next-generation research and technological innovation, contributing to new solutions for regional and international challenges.

We look forward to meeting you in Fukuoka and sharing meaningful discussions and exchanges.

ARMS14 Organizing Committee
Chairman : Yasuhiro MTIANI

Chairman : Yasuhiro MTIANI


The 2026 ISRM International Symposium - 14th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium (ARMS14)
November 22 to 27, 2026
Fukuoka International Congress Center, Area Fukuoka, Japan


Chair of the Organizing Committee

  • Yasuhiro MITANIKyushu University

Chair of the Scientific Committee

  • Tomofumi KOYAMAKansai University

Secretary General

  • Shinichiro NAKASHIMAYamaguchi University

Members*alphabetical order

  • Youqing CHENKyoto University

  • Yoshiaki FUJIIHokkaido University

  • Takayasu HOSONODai Nippon Engineering Consultants Co., Ltd.

  • Yujing JIANGNagasaki University

  • Hideo KINASHIObayashi Corporation

  • Kiyoshi KISHIDAKyoto University

  • Akihisa KIZAKIAkita University

  • Weiren LINKyoto University

  • Kazuo NAKAMURAThe Kansai Electric Power Company, Incorporated

  • Koji OGAWAOyo Corporation

  • Tetsuji OKADACentral Research Institute of Electric Power Industry

  • Masahiko OSADASaitama University

  • Kenji SASAKIElectric Power Development Co., Ltd.

  • Akira SATOKumamoto University

  • Yuji SOMATSULimestone Association of Japan

  • Hiroshi SUENAGACentral Research Institute of Electric Power Industry

  • Hideaki YASUHARAKyoto University

  • Atushi YOKOOKajima Corporation

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