Conference Presenters
"Evaluation of Mandibular Kinematics: MAC2 protocol"
- ZALOV Ilkin, MD
- France

- Doctor of Medecine option stomatology (Azerbaïdjan)
- Diploma of NM dentistry (Dr Combadazou Formation, Nice)
- Private practice in Moscow
After studying muscle activity using surface electromyography (sEMG), the next step is to analyze certain mandibular movements in the three spatial planes and over time.
Initially, this involves successively examining mandibular posture (rest position), habitual dental occlusion, and swallowing.
In the second phase, recording the amplitude of mandibular movements (opening/closing, laterality, and propulsion) and the velocity of the opening/closing movement provides additional information to the clinical examination. These movements can be recorded simultaneously with the EMG activity of the orofacial muscles.
The presented methodology refers to the MAC Protocol (Mandibular Kinematics Protocol) (1).