Conference Presenters
"TMJ Pathology-The Craniomandibular Dysfunction Patient NEUROALIGNERS – Use of Aligners from a NM Dentistry Perspective"
- Prof. Dra Paticia Tarquini
- Argentina

- Specialist in orthodontics and surgical orthodontics, pediatric dentistry, and oral and maxilofacial imaging at the UBA.
- Specialized in the use of software for the manufacture of aligners, and software for surgical planning, graduate of the specialization course at the Gnathos Foundation.
- Specialized in planning for Micro-implants in the International Course, Dra Paticia Vergara Villareal, Cartagenas de Indias Colombia.
- Specialized in the CCO philosophy-Active Self-ligating technique, Dr Andres Giraldo in Manizales-Colombia Guest.
- Lecturer and Coordinator of the postgraduate course in orthodontics at the Adventus Foundation.
- Former lecturer of postgraduate courses in orthodontics at the UNCuyo School of Dentistry, at the Catholic University of San Juan, and at the San Juan Dental Circle, Argentina.
- Graduate of the specialization course in implants and rehabilitation at the CREO Foundation.
- Professor in training courses on in-office Aligners software in orthodontics, and Digital Area of the orthodontics chair for planning orthodontic and surgical orthodontic treatments at the Faculty of Dentistry, UBA, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Neuromuscular aligners are devices that can be used during the second stage of treatment for TMJ pathologies once the articular and neuromuscular system have been stabilized.
This approach involves orthodontic treatment through the strength and resistance of aligners maintaining neuromuscular position as a mandibular reference with the objective of preserving joint spaces, achieving muscular physiology, and establishing a balanced occlusion with the tonic postural system, which will result in a permanent change.
This can be accomplished through the cementation of NM Table Tops or by using modern Neuroaligners which already have neuromuscular tops integrated into their structure.