Conference Presenters
- India

- B.D.S. (Rajas Dental College, Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai, India)
- Ph.D – Ecole Superieure, Robert de Sorbonne University, France
- FICCMO (FICCMO – Fellow of International College of Cranio Mandibular Orthopedics)
- MICCMO (MICCMO – Master of International College of Cranio Mandibular Orthopedics)
- Dip. N.M.Orthodontics (ICNOG, Genoa, Italy)
- Dip. Dental Sleep Medicine (Tufts University, Boston, U.S.A.)
- Diplomate in Orthodontics (Orthodontic World Institute, Spain)
- FAACP (FAACP – Fellow of American Association of Cranio-Facial Pain, USA)
- Board Member IFUNA (International Functional Orthodontics Association, Italy)
- Member AADSM (American Association of Dental Sleep Medicine, USA)
- International Secretary, ICCMO
- President, ICCMO India Section
- Central Council Member, IDA
- Board of Regents, ICCMO North America
- Board Member & Reviewer, CRANIO
- Board Member & Reviewer, JCalDent
- Certified Vivos, ALF and Orthotropics Provider
- Founder Faculty, Department Of Neuromuscular Dentistry, Kantipur Dental College, Nepal
Born and brought up in Bahrain, Dr. Raj completed his graduation from Rajas Dental College attached to the Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai, India in 1997. He completed his training in Neuromuscular Orthodontics at ICNOG (International College of Neuromuscular Orthodontics and Gnathology, Italy) in 2006. He is the PIONEER in South Asia to use the ULF TENS and mandibular tracking device (K7) and hence start the super-specialty practice of Neuromuscular Dentistry in India in 2004. Dr. Raj is an AACP - Tufts certified Dental Sleep Medicine specialist after completing his residency programme on “TMJ and Sleep Medicine” at Tufts University, Boston, USA in 2011. He procured his Fellowship and Mastership from ICCMO (International College of Cranio Mandibular Orthopedics) in 2015. He received his PhD from Ecole Superieure, University of Sorbonne in France in 2018. He is the Founder President of ICCMO India Section that was formed in 2017. He is also currently the International Secretary of the ICCMO International Board of Regents. He has occupied several positions in the IDA (Indian Dental Association). He founded the Department of Neuromuscular Dentistry at Kantipur Dental College in Kathmandu, Nepal, the first ever in Asia.
Dr. Rajesh is the Managing Director of “Indra Craniofacial Pain Relief India LLP” which runs The Right Bite Duedent Neuromuscular Orthodontic Lab to fabricate licensed appliances in South Asia like ALF, DNA etc. He is the Founding Chairman of the “The Right Bite Sleep & TMJ Pain Care®” that runs centres across South Asia to treat patients with craniofacial pain and conducts seminars/courses across the world. He encourages the point that dentists are not just “Tooth-doctors”! He is a consultant TMJ/Sleep Medicine specialist at The Right Bite Sleep & TMJ Pain Care (Bangalore, Delhi, Kolkata, Mumbai, Dubai, Jeddah & Kathmandu) & KIMS Speciality Hospital (Trivandrum).
The Right Bite Airodontics© protocol is an all-encompassing set of diagnostic and treatment regiment to help patients suffering from TMD, SBD and CCMD. It combines varied allied objective medical procedures like EMG (Electromyography), ESG (Electrosonography), JVA (Joint Vibration Analysis), Kinesiography, Axiography, Postural Sway Analysis, CBCT (Airway Volumetry), PSG (Polysomnography), GemPro Sleep Bruxism Analysis and TScan/Occlusense (Occlusal analysis); and other physiological tests like Cranial Nerve screening, Rocabado Distraction technique, Chirodontics (Cranial Suture release), MFT (Myofunctional Therapy), PRP therapy, Digital Smile Designing and Airway Expansion appliances. Add the ULF TENS pulsing to all the above, Airodontics© aims to achieve the most precise and ideal bimaxillary jaw position to attain the right bite!
Dr. Raj will walk through these procedures to give you a glimpse of the vast ocean that’s Neuromuscular Dentistry.