Conference Presenters
"Can Neuromuscular dental treatment resolve chronic whole-body symptoms with medical diagnoses?"
- Dr. Prabu Raman
- United States

Dr. Prabu Raman is the incoming International President of ICCMO. His Kansas City, Missouri practice in USA, Raman Center for TMJ & Sleep, focuses exclusively on four areas of excellence:
- Cranio Cervical Mandibular Dysfunction / Temporo Mandibular Dysfunction
- Aesthetic Dentistry / Complex restorative Dentistry
- Neuro Muscular Functional Orthodontics
- Dental Sleep Medicine / Oral Appliance therapy
Dr. Raman has achieved Mastership status of ICCMO & Mastership of Las Vegas Institute of Advanced Dental Studies. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Dental Sleep Medicine. He is also a Fellow of American College of Dentists & a Fellow of Pierre Fauchard Academy.
He was selected by the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs as a TMD Expert to participate in the Science Forum at 2011 ADA annual meeting. He was also selected by the Journal of the California Dental Association to be an invited TMD expert author to contribute to its August 2014 TMD issue. He is Craniofacial Pain Section Editor of Journal of Craniomandibular and Sleep Practice
Neuromuscular dental occlusal diagnosis reveals the structural discrepancy between maxilla (part of the cranium) and mandible. This discrepancy not only causes Temporo Mandibular Dysfunction (TMD), but also that of the neck – Cranio Cervical Mandibular Dysfunction (CCMD), since jaw and neck function are functionally connected. In fact, this discrepancy affects the entire postural chain down to the plantar fasciae. The cephalic end of this postural chain is posterior dental occlusion, which is proving to be the primary source of many whole-body symptoms with various medical diagnoses.
Can Neuromuscular dental treatment resolve chronic whole-body symptoms with medical diagnoses?
Using clinical case histories, where correcting dental occlusion using Neuromuscular paradigm was the only treatment rendered, Dr. Raman will show that the answer is “yes” in many instances. As such, a Neuromuscular dental clinician may offer hope to patients suffering hopelessly with chronic musculoskeletal symptoms far removed from teeth.
Learning objectives:
UNDERSTAND the basic concepts of Cranio Cervical Mandibular Dysfunction
- LEARN the components of Physiologic Neuromuscular dental diagnostic protocol
- UNDERSTAND how CCMD treatment could resolve whole body symptoms
- LEARN some of the symptom presentations with medical diagnoses that could be the result of CCMD