Conference Presenters
"Mandibular adjustment based on neurophysiology"
- Dr. Ralf - Günther Meiritz
- Germany

Dr. med. dent. Ralf – Günther Meiritz is in full-time private orthodontic practice in Schluechtern near Frankfurt Germany for over 32 years. Since 26 years is your further education practice for orthodontics.
2003 he get the admission over functional diagnostic and therapy from the dentist organization of country Hessen (Germany). He has course extensively over TMD diagnostic and treatment/therapy.
He is lecturer on national and international conferences and member of German society of orthodontics (DGKFO), German society of craniomandibular function and disorders (DGFDT), International College of Cranio-Mandibular Orthopedics (ICCMO) and more.
Chronically dystonic masticatory muscles with uneven loads have an effect on the extension and flexion of the skull bones, especially temporal bones, maxillary bones and sphenoid bones. As a result, the axis of the eye changes and the cervical spine has to adopt a compensatory posture, which leads to increased rotation and displacement of the cervical spine segments. This makes even more important not to adjust individual neuromuscular centricity on a daily basis, but to carry out muscle equilibration for at least 6-8 months so that the patient finds his or her own neuromuscular centricity. During this time, the patient's own genetic reorientation of the composition and traction direction of the muscle fiber occurs. Thus, the evaluation and processing of afferent impulses in chronic pain in the reticular and cingulate cortex formation becomes easier, as there is no overregulation and sensitization of the 1st and 2nd neurons. Today, TMJ therapy is not only the central compression-free position of the condyles, but also the achievement of the patient's own balance in the sense of an individual reorganization of a neuromuscular balance under the patient-related neurofunctional psychosocial evaluation and processing of pain. The reception, assessment, transmission and processing of noxious signals are subject to neurobiological central pain and stress processing principles. The assessment is carried out sensorial, affective - emotional, vegetative, autonomous, and motoric, and influences pain behavior. From the evaluation cognitively - subjectively, affectively - emotionally, biographically and psychomotorically is consequently transferred a positive or negative signal to the motorized loop in the limbic system. Every sensory input from the muscle is processed in the reticular formation
If the warning signals/number of neuron secretions and thus the number of synapses decrease, then there is also faster equilibration and thus freedom from pain. The preparation, design of check bite and the achievement of the patient's own centric relation and thus the greatest possible freedom from pain in a chronically dysbalanced system are part of the lecture.