NTT Security Holdings provides proactive cyber defense and services to protect our customers and society. For over 20 years, our company has assisted clients in safeguarding their digital operations by anticipating, detecting, and responding to cyber threats. Simultaneously, we support business innovation and risk management. Our Security Operations Center (SOC), research and development centers, and security experts deliver threat intelligence and handle hundreds of thousands of security alerts annually. Together, we secure the connected future.
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Founded more than 20 years ago in Sunnyvale, California, Fortinet continues to be a driving force in the evolution of cybersecurity and the convergence of networking and security. Securing people, devices, and data everywhere is our mission. To that end, our portfolio of over 50 enterprise-grade products is the largest integrated offering available, delivering proven cybersecurity everywhere you need it. More than 805,000 customers trust Fortinet solutions, which are among the most deployed, most patented, and most validated in the industry.
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Amentum is a global leader in advanced engineering and innovative technology solutions. Our core focus areas are defence, national security, critical infrastructure and civil nuclear.
As the US Government’s 2nd largest provider of services and a UK Government strategic supplier, we are trusted to address some of the most significant and complex challenges in science, security and sustainability.
With headquarters in Virginia (USA) and the UK (international), we have more than 53,000 employees in approximately 80 countries across all 7 continents. And in Japan, our team of over 150 employees manage generation-defining challenges like the decommissioning and decontamination of Fukushima Daiichi.
Amentum Systems Security & Innovation (SS&I) works across Europe, Japan and Australia to strengthen cyber and physical security, leverage data, and integrate complex IT and OT systems.
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Hitachi drives Social Innovation Business, creating a sustainable society through the use of data and technology. We solve customers' and society's challenges with Lumada solutions leveraging IT, OT (Operational Technology) and products. Hitachi operates under the 3 business sectors of “Digital Systems & Services” – supporting our customers’ digital transformation; “Green Energy & Mobility” – contributing to a decarbonized society through energy and railway systems, and “Connective Industries” – connecting products through digital technology to provide solutions in various industries. Driven by Digital, Green, and Innovation, we aim for growth through co-creation with our customers. For more information on Hitachi, please visit the company's website at https://www.hitachi.com.
BAE Systems Digital Intelligence is home to 4,800 digital, cyber and intelligence experts. We work collaboratively across 16 countries to collect, connect and understand complex data, so that governments, nation states, armed forces and commercial businesses can unlock digital advantage in the most demanding environments. Launched in 2022, Digital Intelligence is part of BAE Systems, and has a rich heritage in helping to defend nations and businesses around the world from advanced threats.
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有事においては、最新のソフトウェアの活用や、環境の変化に対応し、戦場における優先順位の変化に迅速かつ安全に対応するイノベーションが必要です。さまざまなソフトウェアは、常に最新の機能が実装され、サイバー攻撃に対する脆弱性がなく、そして、確実に動作する必要があります。 AWS は、Landing Zone、Infrastructure as a code、DevSecOps に関する先進的なサービスや、アーキテクチャ ガイダンスを提供しています。
アマゾン ウェブ サービス(AWS) は、ウクライナの今を守り、未来を築くためのデータの保護のために、ウクライナ政府、教育機関、銀⾏がウクライナの⼈々にサービスを提供し続けられるよう、重要なデータの保護にも貢献しています。
To outpace our adversaries, warfighters need modern software—innovations to meet changes in the environment and that meet shifting battlefield priorities, rapidly and securely. This same software needs to work reliably, even as it modernizes—and without vulnerability to cyberattack. AWS helps you get there with landing zones, infrastructure as code, and DevSecOps architectural guidance.
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is also helping to protect critical data so that Ukraine's government, educational institutions, and banks can continue to serve the people of Ukraine, protecting data to safeguard Ukraine's present and build its future.
Find out more at the following brochures!
Kozo Keikaku Engineering Inc. will present wireless solutions and AI technologies contributing to R&D in the defense sector at CYDEF 2024. Our offerings showcase approaches that streamline equipment design and performance evaluation through antenna design for mounted equipment, radio wave propagation and network analysis, and radar and satellite positioning simulation technologies.
Additionally, we are advancing disaster training scenario generation technology using generative AI, with potential for application in planning support systems for staff support in defense contexts. We invite you to explore our cutting-edge solutions addressing various challenges in defense equipment R&D.
Find out more at the following brochures!
昨年、世界は多様なテクノロジーの変革を経験し、AIの進化が社会のコミュニケーションや業務を再構築しました。しかし、サイバー犯罪者や国家支援型攻撃者も増加し、地域社会や国々の安全を脅かしています。マイクロソフトは、サイバー攻撃の増加に対応するため、次世代のサイバーセキュリティ保護「Secure Future Initiative (SFI)」を開始しました。この取り組みは、AIを活用したサイバー防御、ソフトウェア工学の進歩、国際規範の適用強化の3つの柱で構成されます。SFIは、マイクロソフトの全社的な力を結集し、サイバーセキュリティの新たな基準を確立することを目指しています。
Last year, the world experienced unprecedented technological transformations, with the evolution of artificial intelligence accelerating innovation and reshaping communication and work methods in society. At the same time, cybercriminals and state-sponsored attackers have increased, posing threats to the safety and stability of communities and nations worldwide.
In recent months, Microsoft concluded that the increasing speed, scale, and sophistication of cyberattacks necessitate new responses. For this reason, today, we are launching a new company-wide initiative called the Secure Future Initiative (SFI) aimed at next-generation cybersecurity protection.
This new initiative brings together the strengths of all Microsoft departments to promote cybersecurity protection, focusing on three pillars: AI-powered cyber defense, fundamental advancements in software engineering, and advocating for the strengthened application of international norms to protect citizens from cyber threats. Charlie Bell, Microsoft's Executive Vice President of Security, has already shared details of the Secure Future Initiative and its implications for Microsoft's software development practices with the engineering team.
Below, we discuss Microsoft's perspective on the changes that led to this new step and the details of each part of the Secure Future Initiative.
Find out more at the following brochures!
Japan Research Institute, Limited is a “knowledge engineering” company; a company that offers comprehensive, high value-added information services through the coordinated application of its three functions consisting of information systems, consulting, and think-tank. As a systems integrator, we offer services in IT strategy planning, implementation and outsourcing for a broad range of industries and activities. We particularly enjoy a stellar reputation in the development of financial systems services.
We are also active in research on both domestic and foreign economic issues and formation of policy recommendations, as well as consulting in a wide range of fields such as corporate strategy and public administrative reform. In addition, we provide analyses and surveys for incubation activities in the creation of new markets and industries. Through these operations, we offer a clear vision for our customers toward changes in the economic and social environment as well as developments in the IT area.
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「Fujitsu Uvance」は、お客様のビジネス成長と社会課題の解決に挑むソリューションです。
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Skygate Cygiene(サイジーン) はAI時代のエンタープライズ向けセキュリティー・プラットフォームです。
NIST SP800-207アーキテクチャに準拠した強力なゼロトラストを組織に提供すると共に、組織の抱える「ビジネスの自由とセキュリティーの両立」という課題を解決します。
Skygate Cygiene is an enterprise-grade security platform designed for the AI era. It provides a robust Zero Trust framework aligned with the NIST SP800-207 architecture, enabling organizations to balance "freedom in business and security" – a common organizational challenge.
Simply deploying and operating a Zero Trust solution is not enough to counter new threats, such as stolen credentials, spoofed devices, and malicious internal activities.
Cygiene, based on data science, dynamically enforces policies by understanding and assessing the risks associated with each individual’s behavior and actions. Through this AI-driven Zero Trust approach, it protects organizational resources from cyber threats while achieving a balance between freedom and security.
Find out more at the following brochures!